Science/Social Studies

Science Resources:

Hot Stuff               

Mad Science activities at home

Feb. and Mar. We have been exploring hot and cold and temperature in our life.  They identify ways to cool or heat up a home; learn to measure temperature in degree Celsius; recognize some constant temperatures such as freezing and boiling points and human body temperature.  Students learned how animals keep warm: materials such as feather, blubber, fur, and wool.

Jan. - Feb. We explored liquids and buoyancy. 

Oct. We will start science unit on magnets. Please ask your child about their learning at school.

Here is Bill Nye on magnetism 

Oct. 10 This week we have been exploring what things are attracted to magnets, what are not. Then we had a competition to see how many paper clips the magnet would attract.

For Social Studies, we have been learning about our own ancestry and students' milestones in their life.  This is to understand events in the past and how they impact our life now.
My Time Line
In Nov. we are learning about Acadian people in Nova Scotia: their language, food, flag and their history.
We have learned about Acadian people in Nova Scotia: deportation, ancestry, language, food, and their basic needs.  Here is a link for the French greeting song.

Acadian history and culture

Special speaker introducing the famous Bluenose

Nov. - Dec. Students learned about the community and history in Nunavut.  They created small trading card size collections to illustrate the culture and traditions.
Landscape, family, Northern Light, Igloo

Starting Dates for Dictation and Spelling Test

Dictation and spelling test: I've uploaded the weekly Chinese characters to study for Dictation and English words for s...